Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great Afternoon

We decided to take a trip up to Mt Dora this afternoon. What a great selection of shops. Of coarse when we finally found a parking spot we found ourselves right in front of a children's boutique.My internal scanner must have sensed it LOL! So we headed on in. My word all the summer clothes were 50% off...I went crazy! Also remember living in Florida you can wear these clothes all year long on most days so it is worth it. They had a nice selection of Bailey Boys and Rosalina which we grabbed our sizes and held on to them before they were taken. It was quite busy it was a madhouse!Anyway the kids got three outfits each for a $100...we rock!!!! The owner said the fall bishop dresses are arriving soon,my husband better work some major overtime LOL! A very tired Alex We then walked up to some specialty gift stores and bought little knick knacks here and there. I love seeing the Halloween decor coming out it was so great. Then as always we stopped to have ice cream and it was really good! Next time I would like to try one of the awesome eateries they look real fun! We are definitely going to go again in the fall when they have the train ride to the pumpkin patch and in the winter for the snow and Christmas parade. In the end it was a blast and we got new clothes,great ice cream and much needed family time.

1 comment:

Wanting What I Have said...

that's some pretty savvy new clothes shopping! way to go!